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Meet the brand: How the Get Scrategy came to be

There's a new brand in this –ish and it has my face all over it. Ew.

As I've trekked into a season of reset and created an opportunity for intentionality, the last six months have been spent assessing my company, the culture I would like to develop, and how they intersect with what the market needs and where my skills as a business strategist and service business partner really shine.

I looked at who I was intending to speak to with my first-born brand, Scrap Strategies, who was interacting with that content, and what needed to change to ensure there was alignment between the audiences so everyone could be better served. The thread I chose to follow was a gap between those who Scrap Strategies initial sought as target audience (growing agencies and enterprise companies with 10+ FTEs), and this whole other audience of solopreneurs and new business owners who need and want the business strategy insights had to offer, but may not be financially ready for that type of support. ‍

Technically, I came across this finding a long time ago. It's an unsurprising fact when you consider 54.4% of small businesses had fewer than 5 employees in 2018. 🤯 That's more than half of all small businesses in the U.S!

So for months I tried to speak to both, but [unsurprisingly] it wasn't working. While in the macro scale, it's easy to look at these two business audiences the same. The truth is that where each CEO is in their business, what matters to them, and how they speak about what matters to them looks completely different. More so, you know the general marketing rule that if you're talking to everyone, you're actually talking to no one? Even as a marketing strategist I fell into the temptation of trying to be "generalists."‍

As much as I fought it, the solution was actually rather simple, even if resource constraining: develop a new subsidiary brand to speak directly with small and micro businesses by meeting you exactly where you are were.

And with that – we're very excited to launch our new sub-brand, Get Scrategy. Whereas Scrap Strategies will still be around and continue to help organizations go to market with new products, strategically align their teams, and build operational solutions to deliver on those opportunities– the Get Scrategy brand will take a different approach to alignment and scalability, specifically with new accessible tools and resources.

For any new or existing small business owners ready to reduce their stress and amplify their business and impact mission, here's what you can expect with this new brand.

#1 Content that meets solopreneurs where you are.

Maybe that doesn't mean I have to totally kill the case studies on the Get Scrategy platform, but there's definitely room to make the learnings easier to digest– and most importantly, actionable. I hear you, as a small business owner doing a million different things, blanket insights may not always make it easy to see how to apply enterprise or economic changes to your more vulnerable business, so I'm looking to change that.

I also acknowledge the tight integration between work and life for the CEO wearing many hats, so there will be a lot more fun had with this brand. So get ready to see me integrate some more fun (and memes)!

#2 Speaking of fun.. I've brought it into the visuals.

Not sure if you noticed this new look, but it's pretty swanky and done with tons of intention. Get Scrategy is supposed to be different to Scrap Strategies. One, so there's no confusion, and two what seems trusting and approachable to the buttoned up Linkedin crew is not the same as a Youtube or instagram audience.

Even if it's the same person, how they engage with brands based on the context of where they're seeing that brand is completely different. Like, remember seeing your teacher out of school as a kid? Yeah, a meme can be that level of gross when surrounded by stiff headshots staring at you.

In exchange, Get Scrategy is the little sister that gets little weird with it. The colors, visuals, and tone here reflect that of a more approachable ecosystem. In those ways, I'd absolutely say Get Scrategy is a lot like me.

And that's really helpful because...

#3 I'm [begrudgingly] putting me front and center.

Everyone wants to feel like they know the people they're entrusting their business to. However, businesses with extremely limited resources (like startups or tiny teams making mighty things) have a heightened level of this sensitivity.

And there are real tradeoffs to having anyone's face attached to a brand, industry research shows that it's a pivotal part of how this audience engages with marketing. That said – I'm kind of digging being part of this larger "We" brand and sounding like myself.

Quick Note: A version of this blog was already shared earlier with my email list community. If you want to be one the first to hear of exciting news, insights, tools, and resources– be sure to sign up for the newsletter.

And with that, comes the official, and quite quiet launch of the Get Scrategy brand. If you'd like to help spread the word, I'd be entirely indebted and appreciative. This is a new terrain I'm really excited for with a separate set of offerings and services that I'm excited for what's to come and how it impacts you and your business. Thank you for being along for the ride and an early supporter.

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