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There's a big ol' mission.

And it's all in the name of good business.

The anchoring value of "good business" is something I talk about– like, a lot. It's the fundamental belief, and statistical data to show, that responsible, generous, and intentional business is good for the bottom line, good for the Earth, and good for all of the people interacting with the.


Good businesses are better at listening to customers' needs and delivering the solutions they need. Good businesses have happier team members that find more purpose and ownership in their work and thus become better partners, parents, and community members. Good businesses understand that every action is interconnected and make better impact decisions, thus attracting more customers.


And that, my friends, is how good business is good for business.

Has anyone told you how valuable you are, lately?

No, seriously. You're like a really friggin big deal.

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and the secret weapon to a more equitable world. Some could even argue that you are the economy.


The Small Business Administration (SBA) found that small businesses (those with less than 500 employees) made of 99.9% of US businesses. "


Statistically speaking, people hire people that look like them. And since women, Black women, and other marginalized groups are creating businesses at record rates– then chances are that as we scale your business, you'll help democratize access to good* work. Basically– good business is good for business.


* I define good work not by a degree, position, or job function. Instead, "good" work is considered work that allows workers to practice purpose in a way that feels authentic to who they are and want to be.

→ Small businesses account for 99.9% of all US businesses.


→ There are 33.2 million small businesses in the US.


→ Small companies created 9.1 million new jobs in 2019.


→ 54.4% of small businesses had fewer than 5 employees in 2018.


→ Corporations with more than 50 employees make up only 5.6% of businesses.

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